Ata Nehedar

Oh how glorious and beautiful this song is to our LORD. I listen with a greater appreciation for His blessing on our lives. To know Him is too love Him.

Enjoy this music? Go to Heart of G-d Worship to purchase worship videos, music and lead sheets.

Song of Songs

An original lyric video of Carolyn Hyde’s song “Song of Songs” from her album “Some of the Best of Carolyn Hyde”!

Enjoy this music? Go to Heart of G-d Worship to purchase worship videos, music and lead sheets.

In the Loving Arms

An original lyric video of Carolyn Hyde’s song “In The Loving Arms” from her album “Just Like Joseph”! Feat. Ariel Hyde

Enjoy this music? Go to Heart of G-d Worship to purchase worship videos, music and lead sheets.

Cleft of the Rock

“So it shall be, while My glory passes by, that I will put you in the cleft of the rock, and will cover you with My hand while I pass by. Exodus 33:22

Listen to this beautifully anointed worship song by Carolyn Hyde. 

Enjoy this music? Go to Heart of G-d Worship to purchase worship videos, music and lead sheets.

The End of the Age

The end of the age sounds frightening until we realize it’s the beginning of a new age – in the presence of the Son. May this new music video bring you great encouragement and hope!

Enjoy this music? Go to Heart of G-d Worship to purchase worship videos, music and lead sheets.

Springs of Living Water

In the hiding place of thunder, the Lord answers us! Psalm 81:7 Although the cares of this world can be overwhelming, only God can bring us to springs of living water! May you find a place of healing and restoration in our song, “The Latter Rain”.

Enjoy this music? Go to Heart of G-d Worship to purchase worship videos, music and lead sheets.


One guitar, two basses and the sound of thirty voices revealing God’s glory. Isaiah 40:5 – Then the glory of the L-rd will be revealed, and all flesh will see it together. For the mouth of the L-rd has spoken.”

Enjoy this music? Go to Heart of G-d Worship to purchase worship videos, music and lead sheets.

Keep the Fire Alive

May the Eternal Flame burn brightly in your hearts as you offer the Lord a sacrifice of praise on the altar | Carolyn Hyde & Joshua Aaron dedicate this song from Leviticus 6:13 to the wonderful intercessors who pray for Israel and Aliyah.

Enjoy this music? Go to Heart of G-d Worship to purchase worship videos, music and lead sheets.

The Church’s Responsibility Towards Israel and the Jews – Pt 3 – Lance Lambert

 Why does the Church have a responsibility towards Israel and the Jewish people?  To experience a baptism of love for Israel and the Jewish people. Prayer.