The Church’s Responsibility Towards Israel and the Jews – Pt 2 – Lance Lambert

Why does the Church have a responsibility toward the Jews? God loves the whole world (John 3:16) but He especially loves the Jewish people because of their past…Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses. He loves them, they are beloved of God for the patriarch’s sake. 

The Church’s Responsibility Towards Israel and the Jews – Pt 1 – Lance Lambert

 There would be no gospel but for the Jewish people. There would be no Messiah but for the Jewish people.  The apostles endured great persecution to take the gospel outside the Jewish community to the gentiles. They understood that the wall of separation had come down.

Unprecedented Round-Table Discussion Between Jews and Christians Pt 3

In this final segment, the group tackles some tough topics. The Jewishness of Jesus:  You can’t separate the Jewish identity from Jesus. Once you divorce the identity of Jesus from the family he was born into, then that is where Replacement Theology comes in, and that’s where the Church, in the past, has done horrible things against the Jews. Christianity had its Jewish roots hijacked. As Christians begin to reclaim those roots, this is the opportunity to repair that breach.

Unprecedented Round-Table Discussion Between Jews and Christians Pt 2

In this segment, David asks Sharon a great question: “As a leader of Jewish/Christian relations, what has been the most significant moments for you in being here? What inspired you to do what you are doing, and what are the major highlights of seeing this calling being actualized in the land?”  May we not be afraid to cross the bridge and meet each other and learn from each other!We also hear from David Nekrutman, as he shares about his book, Your Sabbath Invitation”.

Unprecedented Round-Table Discussion Between Jews and Christians Pt 1

Listen in on an open and honest round-table discussion between two Christian Pioneers, Sharon Sanders, and Robbie Coleman and two Orthodox Jewish authors and public speakers, David Nekrutman and Jonathan Feldstein. David Nekrutman shares a remarkable comment: “You know there’s something about the Holy Spirit, that if we would actually have a conversation on this, I think we can make the bridge a little closer between Jews and Christians.” Listen in to this remarkable and candid discussion.  

Call to All Nations: Turn our Faces Toward Jerusalem

Pastor Robbie Coleman delivered this great message “Turn our faces toward Jerusalem. We have been given a mandate to bless Israel, and more specifically, we are called to bless Jerusalem.  How do we set our face toward Jerusalem? How do we walk this out? Listen in and find out! “.  

Why Should Christians Be Friends with Israel?

Listen in as Olga Kopilova shares from her heart why Christians should support Israel, a question we hope to answer for you from a biblical point of view.  We are a non-political Christian Outreach Organization in Israel.  CFI Jerusalem – Through our many Projects we are Standing with and Blessing Israel. 

Comfort Holocaust Survivors – Project Forsake Them Not

Christian Friends of Israel reaches out to the Holocaust Survivors throughout the Land of Israel. In this Video, CFI Project “Forsake Them Not” Supervisor Olga along with Tanya shares with us special moments and precious stories given directly by the Holocaust survivors themselves. As a Christian Non-Profit Organization, we have an Outreach Program to Bless and Comfort the few remaining Holocaust Survivors here in Israel.

Israel, The Church and a New Generation – Rick Ridings – Pt 3

Pastor Rick Ridings is the Author of ” Shifting Nations through Houses of Prayer”.  He is Founder of Succat Hallel 24 / 7 House of Prayer overlooking the Old City and the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Rick’s current message about ‘ Israel the Church and a new Generation”,  was broadcast from Jerusalem during our CFI Shavuot Conference 2022.

Israel, The Church and a New Generation – Rick Ridings – Pt 2

Pastor Rick Ridings is the Author of ” Shifting Nations through Houses of Prayer”.  He is Founder of Succat Hallel 24 / 7 House of Prayer overlooking the Old City and the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Rick’s current message about ‘ Israel the Church and a new Generation”,  was broadcast from Jerusalem during our CFI Shavuot Conference 2022.