Taking the Words of Jesus Seriously

Teaching from Sharon Sanders

Taking the Words of Jesus Seriously

For those of us who are believers in Yeshua, we must let it sink in that He taught Torah when He walked the earth—just not according to man’s doctrines. The New Testament was founded upon the Torah.The Jewishness of the Master and the Jewishness of Christianity should bring us to a deeper understanding of the scriptures and to a closer unity. The wall between Judaism and Christianity will be torn down. Upon Yeshua’s return, there will be One Kingdom, One king, One bride, and One people!

Jerusalem: The Throne of the Lord Pt 2

Teaching from Sharon Sanders

Jerusalem: The Throne of the LORD Pt 2

With all the new construction going on in Jerusalem, it is as though she is awakening and putting on her new garments, as she prepares for the coming of her King! With or without world approval, Jerusalem is the heart of Israel and Temple Mount is the heart of Jerusalem. Every culture, nation and tribe will one day come up to the city by way of the highway of Zion.  Jerusalem is the place where God chooses to put His throne on earth.

Jerusalem: The Throne of the LORD Pt 1

Teaching from Sharon Sanders

Jerusalem: The Throne of the Lord Pt 1

For the LORD shall build up Zion; He shall appear in His glory. Psalm 102:16
The city of Zion is now being built up and this is a sign of the soon return of Yeshua! Her restoration is a signal to the nations to be ready for His appearing! Listen in as Sharon Sanders leads us on a journey of understanding the centrality of Israel and Jerusalem in the final countdown to the return of the Messiah!

A Paradox: The Halt of History

Teaching from Sharon Sanders

A Paradox: The Halt of History

In Zechariah 9:9, the crowds welcome him! They cried out “Hosanna, Hosanna!” They laid palms on the ground as Jesus proceeded into the streets of Jerusalem. They were ready to crown Him as their King! But then, something happened. There was a divine “halt”. Did God hit a divine “pause” button to this moment in time for the Jewish people? If so, why did He do that? What was His purpose? 

The Red Letter Words of Jesus Pt 2

The Red Letter Words of Jesus Pt 2

Will the real Jesus please stand up? Why did Jesus say, “Salvation is of the Jews”?
Why does the church picture Jesus as a blue-eyed blonde baby in a manger? Can we know who Jesus REALLY is if we pay closer attention to His red-letter words? Listen in as we go on a journey to find out more about the very Jewishness of Jesus! 

The Red Letter Words of Jesus Pt 1

Teaching by Sharon Sanders

The Red Letter Words of Jesus Pt 1

Will the real Jesus please stand up? Why did Jesus say, “Salvation is of the Jews”? Why does the church picture Jesus as a blue-eyed blonde baby in a manger? Can we know who Jesus REALLY is if we pay closer attention to His red-letter words? Listen in as we go on a journey to find out more about the very Jewishness of Jesus! 

Buried in the Sands of Time: The Jewishness of Jesus Pt 2

Teaching by Sharon Sanders

Buried in the Sands of Time: The Jewishness of Jesus Pt 2

In our first teaching, I talked about the “Missing Link” in our faith. This new series of teachings focuses on the “Restoring the Jewishness of Jesus” as we pinpoint His “Missing Identity.” How did the Jewishness of Jesus get lost in the sands of time? How can the Jewishness of Jesus be restored? In this teaching series we will blow away the sand and begin to uncover the truth. 

Buried in the Sands of Time: The Jewishness of Jesus Pt 1

Teaching by Sharon Sanders

In our first teaching, I talked about the “Missing Link” in our faith. This new series of teachings focuses on the “Restoring the Jewishness of Jesus” as we pinpoint His “Missing Identity.” How did the Jewishness of Jesus get lost in the sands of time? How can the Jewishess of Jesus be restored? In this teaching series we will blow away the sand and begin to uncover the truth. 

What is the Missing Link?

Teaching by Sharon Sanders

What if you had a flash of insight into a whole world missing from your faith? What if you suddenly discover you’ve only heard “part” of what you believe? What if someone explained to you–your “Missing Link”? Join us for our weekly Bible Study teachings you do not receive in church. Sharon Sanders  shares straight from the Bible the whole counsel of God and the complete story of Jesus.