Building a Wall of Prayer Around Israel – May 7-28, 2023

This timely message is brought to you from Jerusalem by Sharon Sanders, co-founder of CFI Jerusalem – Christian Friends of Israel.  To learn more about the Isaiah 62 event with 21 days of prayer and fasting for Israel (May 7-28), go to:

Global Isaiah 62 Fast

Isaiah 62 Fast-Kansas City Hub

The Call to Commitment Pt 2

Teaching from Sharon Sanders

How does the LORD get a farm girl from Illinois to pull up stakes, leave everything behind, and move to Jerusalem to love, serve and support the Jewish people? Listen in as Sharon continues to share her testimony about her journey of faith and commitment to the call of God upon her life. When you are being called of God, how do you know?

The Call to Commitment Pt 1

Teaching from Sharon Sanders

Sharon begins with this thought: Consider the call of God upon your life. What would you do if God called you to pull up stakes, to sell everything you ever worked for, to give up your career, to bid farewell to family, to follow the LORD?  Would you be obedient to go? How would you know if it was God calling you?Whatever God is calling you to do, you must obey, when He speaks.  

75th Birthday Celebration of Jerusalem

Teaching from Sharon Sanders

75th Birthday Celebration of Jerusalem!

Jerusalem’s 75th birthday is coming up April 24-May 1, of 2023. This is a city that has a destiny no other city can claim. Jerusalem is in the process of putting on her garments of glory. The building and reconstruction of the city is a marvel to behold. 

You shall be a crown of glory in the hand of the LORD, and a royal diadem in the hand of your God. Isaiah 62:3

Feasting on Meat in Due Season

Teaching from Sharon Sanders

Feasting on Meat in Due Season

“And I will give you shepherds according to My heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding. Jeremiah 3:15

What is on God’s heart? What is the apple of God’s eye? What is the key of David? What is the destiny of Israel in the end times in God’s plan? Listen in the teachings offered at this table and enjoy a taste of the food that will be served at God’s banquet in Jerusalem. 

The Call of Ruth Pt 2

Teaching from Sharon Sanders

The Call of Ruth Pt 2

Today the church, in a spirit of Ruth, needs to wrap our arms around Israel, our Naomi, and tenderly care for her by praying for her fervently, and blessing her in whatever way we can. Listen to this heart-felt message and you will be challenged to walk in the calling and spirit of Ruth.

The Call of Ruth Pt 1

Teaching from Sharon Sanders

The Call of Ruth Pt 1

The story of Ruth and Naomi is a parallel portrait of the Church and Israel. The book of Ruth is an analogy of what the relationship between the church and Israel should be. The Ruth part of the church has a revelation of God’s plans and purposes for Naomi, that is, for Israel. Listen in as Sharon Sanders pours out her heart in this timeless message from the book of Ruth!

Poking God in the Eye Pt 2

Teaching from Sharon Sanders

Our Church forefathers got into a heresy, Replacement Theology, a dangerous and deadly doctrine that teaches the Church has replaced Israel. In the future “Roll Call of the Nations” when the Father separates out the Sheep nations from the Goat nations, He will remind us, concerning our treatment of the Jewish people:


Poking God in the Eye Pt 1

Teaching from Sharon Sanders

Poking God in the Eye Pt 1

For he who touches you touches the apple of His eye. Zechariah 2:8

How has the church poked God in the eye? In Christianity, we have harmed God’s chosen people, the Jews. Christianity has said that “We are the new Israel.” Christianity has said that God is done with the Jewish people. Christianity has said, “Don’t read the Old Testament”. It’s as though God says, “Anyone who harms you harms my most precious possession, the pupil of my eye. Whatever you do to Zion you do to me.”