The Significance of Israel Today – Pt 1 – Lance Lambert

The return of the Jewish people from all four corners of the earth to the land of Israel is a miracle. The restoration of the Hebrew language is also a miracle. The establishment of the Jewish state on May 14, 1948 is a fulfillment of biblical prophecy and is a supreme miracle of God.

Christ as King of Israel – Pt 2 – Lance Lambert

The Lord Jesus has a passion and a love in His heart for the Jewish people that caused him to break into uncontrollable tears. When Jesus returns, we will receive a kingdom that cannot be shaken. It is unshakeable because of the King! We need to know Jesus as King! The King is returning!

Christ as King of Israel – Pt 1 – Lance Lambert

Jesus will be King of the Jews and the King of Israel forever. Jesus has hidden his identity from the Jewish people, even as Joseph hid his identity from his brothers. He is the King of the Jews and the King of Israel!

The Church’s Responsibility Towards Israel and the Jews – Pt 3 – Lance Lambert

 Why does the Church have a responsibility towards Israel and the Jewish people?  To experience a baptism of love for Israel and the Jewish people. Prayer. 

The Church’s Responsibility Towards Israel and the Jews – Pt 2 – Lance Lambert

Why does the Church have a responsibility toward the Jews? God loves the whole world (John 3:16) but He especially loves the Jewish people because of their past…Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses. He loves them, they are beloved of God for the patriarch’s sake. 

The Church’s Responsibility Towards Israel and the Jews – Pt 1 – Lance Lambert

 There would be no gospel but for the Jewish people. There would be no Messiah but for the Jewish people.  The apostles endured great persecution to take the gospel outside the Jewish community to the gentiles. They understood that the wall of separation had come down.